01 May 2008

Today's AI & a Bunch of YouTube Stuffs

Yesterday on American Idol, the contestants performed two Neil Diamond's songs each, some of which I fortunately know. Kinda nightmarish though, especially the first round. Most of them bounced back to, as Randy said, "the zone" by the second songs. David Cook and Archuleta shone the brightest, with constant praises from the judges. Syesha was called a "actress-singer" by Simon, but as usual, Paula and Randy "enjoyed it". Jason Castro's didn't leave any impression on me, so I won't say anything about it. According to Simon, Brooke's first song was "a nightmare", which she quickly denied; her second song got better reviews but apparently, it's the end of the road for Brooke White. And now, I officially root for the brilliant David Cook.

This morning, I watched my favorite talkshow ever, The Ellen Degeneres Show. She has this section where she shows crazy Japanese videos from YouTube, and I love them! Today, she showed this freaky "We Are The World" impersonation.

And before, she showed this "marshmallow game" video. She also duplicated it in the studio and asked her audience to participate. Everybody wins, as usual, fantabulous prizes which makes me want to watch the show live in the US. Yay Ellen!!
Actually I also wanted to post a funny Petronas ad called "Percintaan Tan Hong Ming", the little boy in the video is irritatingly cute. And guess what, there's no stopping the innovative Roncar ad from being uploaded to YouTube. It's still of poor quality, but it shows how lame it is. Nevertheless, doing so will make this post ridiculously long and also annoying. If you want to watch the said videos, you need to do your work too. Search for them in YouTube, and find them you will.

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