29 May 2008

Support Indonesia's Natural Wonders

Last year, the media was reporting about the New 7 Wonders of the World, a private-initiative to revive the concept of Seven Wonders of the World. The new wonders were chosen by global voting through the internet and the results were announced on July 7, 2007. Those new wonders are Chichen Itza, Christ the Redeemer, Great Wall of China, Petra, Colosseum, Macchu Picchu, and Colosseum. The Great Pyramid of Giza was also given an honor as the last remaining ancient wonders.

Allow me to be bluntly Indonesian. Where the heck is Borobudur? Where are Indonesia's other wonderful cultural heritages? Oh puh-leeze, Borobudur should have taken the place of one of those new wonders.

OK, probably the campaign didn't get enough exposure in Indonesia and not so many people are connected to the internet, let alone go to the website and vote. Shame on me, I knew about the campaign but, in the end, I was too lazy to follow up.

Now we can redeem ourselves. The New 7 Wonders foundation is launching another poll to get the New 7 Wonders of Nature. Indonesia has three listed: Lake Toba, Krakatau (or Krakatoa), and Komodo Island; and none is in the top half of the list. So, you know the drill right? Go to the New 7 Wonders website and click the New 7 Wonders of Nature part (or just click here) You can browse for the nominees first and then vote. You only get one chance but you get to choose seven things. Remember, vote for Lake Toba, Krakatau, and Komodo Island; the rest is up to you.

This is not a UNESCO project whatsoever and probably it's not "fair" in representing the whole world. There has been criticisms too from here and there concerning the poll because it doesn't prevent voters from voting multiple times. Nevertheless, this is a chance to give a few of Indonesia's jewels the exposure it deserves. When you help expose our heritage sites, you are helping fellow Indonesians whose lives are depending on these sites. We may never know if this campaign really brings more attention and tourists or not, but that's not a reason to let the chance go by.

In the last poll, Jordan with a population of only 7 million managed to put Petra -some kinda city cut out from rock- into the list. Even Queen Rania joined the campaign to promote it. It's our turn now. No help is too small, no effort is too little. Support Indonesia's Natural Wonders.

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