11 May 2008

I Thought It Was Over

Last week during the experiments, I got irritatingly lucky. I got the simplest experiments in each of the subjects. In chemistry, I only had to plunge a strip of magnesium into hydrogen chloride, and count the time it took the strip to dissolve. In physics, I got the refraction experiment to prove the refractive index of glass. In biology, I escaped the curse of respirometer and benedict. Instead, I did the enzyme test, basically mixing liver extract with hydrogen peroxide. No calculations whatsoever, except some "sin"s (nice pun) in physics.

Just now, I figured out that I rejoiced too early, too much. I had felt like wrapping everything up, no more studying, until I remembered that what I have said before actually holds true: There's test, not rest, for the weary. This time, it's the Ujian Akhir Sekolah with six subjects already lining up to torture me with serious studying. Blurgh. I thought it was over!

What on earth am I doing right now in my blog!? I should've been studying for the UAS. Curse you, blogger.com! Hahaha...

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