03 June 2008

Random Sporting Events Stuffs

Let's take our minds off those primitive thugs for a while. It's been quite a long time since I've gone rambling about random stuffs, so I decided to do it now. I just wandered through the internet, clicking links after links without any purpose, and I've found myself a few sporty stuffs to blog about.

Honestly, I can't ignore that something's buzzing in football and apparently there's some kind of championship starting on June 7: 2008 UEFA European Football Championship, jointly hosted by Austria and Switzerland. If I'm not mistaken, German is spoken in both countries...so how do they say "football" in German? Also, since Switzerland uses it, in French? Is it Hitler-y to say "Mein Football"? It's too bad that I don't speak French either, je ne parle pas francais at all.

To be frank, I couldn't care less about this Euro 2008, apart from rambling in my blog about it; it could smack me in my face and I wouldn't know the excitement. Anyhow, I like the twin mascots Trix and Flix -cool names. They seem to exude excitement which I lack when watching football matches. By the way, great hairdo too.

Let's move on to 4 years in the future, 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK. Have you seen its bizarre, craggy logo? Well, I do respect the effort to be "dynamic" and "different"; but hey, that looks ridiculous! Their logo during the bidding process was much better. To me, the current one looks like a stack of rocks trying so hard to resemble "2012"...and it turns out that someone has come up with a better simile. Wikipedia cited that the logo resembles "Lisa Simpson performing fellatio", which I found is quite true (shame on my dirty mind). If you ask what's fellatio and you've reached legal age, click here. Wanna know how ridiculous it is? It cost £1.2 million. Hey, I could do something better with half the money.

The event will be held from July 21 to August 20, 2012. This has led to urgings for changing the date from countries with significant number of muslims. It turns out that in 2012, the fasting month Ramadan will fall on those dates too. I don't know who calculated that, but it is serious. That could put athletes in a disadvantaged condition. Uh-huh, some of you may say that fasting is not an obstacle to performing whatever that one does. On the contrary, I'll say this nicely to you, "Get real!".

Back to the present, we're only a couple months away from the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the made-in-China Olympics. As with previous events, I'm eager to watch the Opening Ceremony and I predict that this year will be spectacular. China will not let this chance to show-off go.

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