10 June 2008

Ramblings 100608

I've faced several difficulties in blogging, one of them is the fill-in field on top of the writing box titled "Title:". Searching for a witty -and totally not tacky- title is never an easy job. Constantly writing random stuffs is not helping the crucial quest either. Believe me, it could really dampen my spirit if I have something to write, but don't have a title that feels quite right for the post. Hence, I really admire people who could come up with catchy titles without being unnecessarily artsy. Can I just leave it blank? Never thought of that until I'm writing this. Maybe next time (almost certainly soon); for now, you'll just have to make do with the half-hearted title.

Let's see, actually I don't have anything to write about. One obvious option is slamming the govt's ridiculous decree on Ahmadiyah, which is finally declared. Yet, I don't want to post on the same topic again and again: I just did one three days ago and it's only one post away. Besides, the decree is more of an absurdity than an official act. Ahmadis are ordered to stop all Ahmadiyah activities and will be "guided" into mainstream Islam. Mmm, how on earth will the govt make someone stop believing in his/her faith and forcing him/her to accept a new one? Well, maybe I can make something about this, just not now.

Then, I figured another option, and decided to stick with it. I'll just write about what I've been up to these days. For one, I just started reading Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer (I hope I got the name right). Amazing characters, exciting story, looking forward to finishing it and getting the next books. Basically, it's about a child criminal prodigy and his battle with the fairies. Btw, these fairies is totally different from the stereotypical creepily benevolent fairies you encounter in many movies. These fairies are comparable to the Men in Black, just a teeny bit shorter.

Next comes music. I've been listening to many relatively new songs, some I already have in my laptop and some I just saw on either MTV or [V]. Maroon 5 and Rihanna's "If I Never See Your Face Again" is probably one of the better additions into my mental playlist. (Yeah, if you can have a mental picture, why can't I have a mental playlist?). Alicia Keys's "Teenage Love Affair" is also a fine affair, while Madonna lives forever with "4 Minutes" with JTimberlake and Timbaland. I really get Paramore's "That's What You Get"; Maria Mena's new song "Nevermind Me" is a nice song too.

Actually, there are a lot more songs to write down but "thinking" is better done in any time except midnight. Some songs also caught my attention, though I haven't decided whether to like them or not. I started to enjoy a song (title forgotten) by 3 Doors Down, and also another one by Gavin DeGraw. Sergio Mendes has a new album out and I just saw his newest video clip, although I didn't catch the title. Interesting song.

Whoa! It's already 0.30 AM (Did I write it right?). I'd better wrap this up, good night everyone. Here's "If I Never See Your Face Again" by Maroon 5 featuring Rihanna.

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