27 June 2008

Rambling 270608

I decided to doublepost today. Don't you just love me? It's been a long time since I've done a complete random rambling. I miss doing it, so I'll do one like right now. Yay!

About UEFA Euro 2008, I just found out that those using cable channels are cut off from the whole "party", if you want to call it so. As you know me, I don't really care about twenty two guys running around a huge field to kick some balls, and each other, and maybe each others' balls too. Thus, I didn't realize that my TV can't receive airings of the exhilarating matches. And I don't care about this thing enough to not check whether it's true or not.

Next, I luurve the Jonas Brothers...not! No, I don't hate them, I can listen to some of their songs actually, but I just don't understand all the media buzz surrounding them, especially in the US. By "media buzz", it mostly includes millions of someteen-years old girls screaming wildly for their new heartthrob trio. JB fans from the male species, don't feel left out just yet, there are still thousands of you who don't have the courage to howl for the trio. Well, Buckley (from What the Buck) loves them. A strange phenomena; and I haven't even mentioned the Disney girl with double personality yet.

I just finished reading Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl: the Arctic Incident, the second book in the series. Somehow it didn't feel as good as the first book, but still a great fantasy read. Then, I had to choose to read either Veronika Decides to Die or The Pilgrimage, both by Paulo Coelho. I decided to do The Pilgrimage first, because my friend Ghazi told me to do Veronika (stop thinking dirty things!) first. It will be my loyal friend in the journey to Balikpapan. Anyhow, I don't expect to finish it during the trip.

Oh, two days ago I was in Taman Safari, wee! Lame, I know. I had to accompany my visiting young cousins to "fun" (supposedly, at least) places, and obviously we can't go to the humongous malls of Jakarta everyday. We arrived on 10 AM-ish and the park was already crowded with kindergarteners from every part of Jakarta and a ginormous pack of junior high students from Temanggung, Central Java. I read it from their T-shirts, which also told me they're in a school trip to the capital, "Wisata Jakarta". Yay. Fun. Wow. Pardon my Jakarta-centricity.

And that whole paragraph strayed from what I wanted to tell you. I spotted an emak-emak, prolly a kindergarten teacher, who was carrying a huge old-skool cassette player. I wanted to snap a pic of her, but it was too late. The crowd devoured her, but never mind. I was like OMG. That was what would happen had Apple not invented the iPod. Whoops, I meant "...had anyone not invented portable MP3 players". Let's not get so brand-minded. We really have to thank those geeks in tech companies for letting us bring thousands of music in tiny boxes. We love you!

This ridiculous post has gotten ridiculously long. I'd better finish today's rambling now, otherwise I'll end up writing annoying stuffs here. Besides, I have to pack up for my visit to our really really distant relatives the orang utans. Shut up, creationists! See you on Monday.

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