27 July 2008

Oh My Blog!

It really surprised me to see that the last time I wrote something was exactly last week. In the standards of my incessant blogging, a week of not posting is way too much. I almost didn't realize it until I felt this nagging feeling which told me that I should've done something. And suddenly, I remembered my blog! I've been away for seven days. No post. No comment. Nothing. It's kinda silly to be absent for so long after posting my 100th post (yes, a hundred post!). Anyhow, don't blame me.

The matriculation program is invading my wonderful live. The program literally takes hours and hours of my day, which should've been used for something better: anything else. Well, actually the English classes are quite enjoyable. Or at least, bearable. If not for the annoying magazine + wall bulletin final projects, I would fall in love with it. Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing for the sciences program, which somehow only consists of math and physics. I want to describe it, but I have to keep my blog clean and decent. Thus, I'll keep it really short: blurgh, blurgh, aaargh. Every week, we had to endure less-than-interesting classes that doesn't really connect with what we're going to study for real. I guess I deserve some a lot of credit for ditching only one session of math. I had to sort out some, errr, stuffs at my high school. I'm not lying! What makes you think I'm not telling the real thing?

By the way, my lovely twin cousins had gone back to Oz last Sunday. Surprisingly, I miss their unbearable noise and acrobatic stunts - they're Kevin Rudd's problem now.

That's all folks. I'm posting this just to let you know that I'm not gonna procrastinate let anything separate me from my blog anymore. Thank you for not giving up on my blog and expect something soon.


Pepe said...

101? like a dalmantian film, dit, keep in spirit. I study much from your blog. Thx 4 d english lesson. Can U give me advice how 2 make my english vocab n grammar better from day 2 day. I proud of U, thx b4!
Be a success doctor!

Last, your twin cousins male/female?
R they "mahasiswa"? what "jurusan"?

adit said...

sorry to crush whatever dreams you may have about my cousins, but they're just a couple of 4-yrs old boys. ahahaha.