20 July 2008

Ibu Mega's "Golput" Gaffe

Two weeks ago, our former president Ibu Megawati Sukarnoputri was campaigning in support of PDI-P's candidate competing in Maluku gubernatorial election. Responding to the ever growing call for mass abstention, she remarked that those who intentionally abstain from the elections (golongan putih or golput in Indonesian) don't deserve to be citizens of Indonesia, for they are ruining the development of democracy in the country. She urged everyone to use their political right to choose the best leader they can have.

Apparently, that statement didn't go very well with a big part of the public, especially with her opponents. They criticized that it is perfectly OK to stay home during the election and give up their right to vote, since no law states that voting is compulsory. It is the people's right to not vote in the elections if they feel that no existing political party can improve the current condition. Thus, she was under fire for quite a while. Critics ranged from the sensible to the laughable, but does she really deserve such brouhaha?

She popped out the remark -call it a gaffe if you want to- only to remind voters that the future of this country is in our very hands. Whether this nation will rise up to the sky or plunge down a bottomless abyss of freakish destruction depends on what, and whom, we choose in the coming elections. Abstaining from voting or casting a blank vote will never help Indonesia develop into a strong, developed country. Frustration is not a reason deter anyone from contributing to build a trusted reliable government. If one feels that none of the numerous parties can really reflect 100% their views, he/she can always pick the lesser of 34 evils. After all, there are always variations even inside a political party.

The criticism she got is out of proportion, because what she said didn't have any actual consequence. People can still ignore the elections and not get arrested by the police. It is comparable to saying "those who don't love their country should just leave". Anyone will simply take it as a strong encouragement for everyone to love their country, not as a threat of expulsion for obnoxious citizens. Therefore, it is totally cool for her to say that. We do need someone who is not afraid to lead the people to the best direction.

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