01 August 2008

I'm Free! and Other Stuffs 010808

Finally! The matriculation program just ended today after a month of pointless learning and getting-out-of-the-class schemes. My performance report: I managed to stay awake during all of the English classes and most of the sciences, ditched only one session for each subject, and survived three "scientific" debates -one of which I have gloriously re-enacted here before.

Actually, the English program had already ended on a high note three days ago. During the whole month, we had been working on a final project that consisted of a magazine and a wall bulettin, both covering the need to save energy. Then, on the last day of the program, all the classes had an exhibition which turned out to be wilder than kindergarteners on caffeine. At the very end of the day, we were shown a touching picture slideshow of the exhibition. Aaaaw, that's nice! I am quite fond of my English matriculation class, actually.

On the other hand, the evil alliance of physics and math ended with our presentation on some stuffs about the physical and mathematical aspects of the body's circulation system. Thank me because I'm not going deeper on that, otherwise it'll give you nightmares -unless you're a French guy named Poiseuille. If you click that, you'll see an equation, which we had to derive from a completely different equation. Who knew that your veins and arteries can send integration and derivatives all over the place? Frankly, in this case, I am so glad that it's over.

Now, for the "other stuffs". This afternoon, a little bird lost its way into my house and crashed into its pitiful death. I didn't see anything, when suddenly the window "BANG!"ed and bird feathers were raining down inside. It then flew for another exit at the back of my house. I guess it was extremely disoriented, because it cluelessly slammed into the window once more and then spiraled down powerlessly. I had expected it to just scramble to the door, as it was so close; but no, it simply lay there as if nothing were happening. Apparently, it had already joined the line to the pearly gates. I knew, because I rolled it over on its stomach and nothing happened.

Second stuff, I am very eager to watch the whole "Last Lecture" by the late Randy Pausch of Carnegie Mellon University. His popular speech has skyrocketed into fame, thanks to YouTube, and I had known about it for quite a while. Yet, I only thought about really watching it today. I had seen the first ten minutes: one of the most inspirational ten minutes of my life. Gotta see more.

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