07 August 2008

Enjoy Jakarta (?)

As a Jakartan, I've been "enjoying Jakarta" because this is where I live, and I've learnt to deal with most of its problems. I believe I'm speaking for most Jakartans when I say that the chaotic traffic, obnoxious people, questionable roadside food, and ginormous malls have become an inseparable part of every citizen of this bustling capital. Obviously, the city council needn't attract us with fancy billboards or cheesy TV ad; we're stuck here whether we like it or not and ultimately, we've come to loving our own messy city.

Now, the govt is trying to lure more people into the city, and of course, extort as much money as possible from gullible tourists. The central govt came up with "Visit Indonesia Year 2008", which features an interesting TV ad that will surely leave any potential tourist -with his/her money- clueless. The ad is beautiful, but I'm not sure if some weird chants is going to attract any tourist. Next, the city council popped out the "Enjoy Jakarta" slogan, which can be found in any kind of events.

Quite frankly, we are not so ready to be a real tourist destination like the "Malaysia Truly Indonesia" or Singapore. We do have many wonderful tourist spots, but the city has not yet transformed them into tourist traps. I hate to say this, but it is a way to know if the govt really supports tourism. Just see Europe, the continent of rip-off tourist traps; millions and millions of people visit its countries every year. We are more suited for the adventurous and surely not for the faint-hearted. Jakarta is a place for tourists who want to seek the thrill of travelling and who is ready to toughen up. That's why I came up with slogans that are more apt for our condition. If I see any of these in a billboard, I'd better receive some money soon.

"Survive Jakarta"

"Don't Be A Wuss, Go to Jakarta"

"Jakarta is Gonna Kick Your A** "

"Why the Bloody Hell Are You in Oz? Come to Jakarta!"

"Feel the Thrill...of Our Traffic -We Saved You A Seat"

"Freakin' Crazy Jakarta Welcomes You, Freakin' Crazy Tourists"

"You Ain't Tough Till You Do Jakarta"

"Screw KL, Escape Singapore, and Don't Even Ask About Brunei -Just Visit Jakarta"

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