27 November 2008

Wacky Facebook Groups

The massively popular Facebook, with millions and millions of users, now boasts a wide array of groups, formed by members for members. As nature goes, along with the same old normal groups of hobbies and collections, there's bound to be some wacky -thus funny- groups that actually make you realize something more about everyday life. Well, this trend shouldn't come as a surprise in a place where you can zombie-bite your friend and throw Oprah at him/her. In fact, I've joined quite a few that are surprisingly suitable to my thoughts or habits. Here are some of those groups I've found while browsing for a very short time; there's got to be a lot more:

1. "No, I Don't Care If I Die At 12 AM, I Refuse to Pass On Your Chain Letter" If you're constanly bugged by chain letters telling you to find an organ donor for a random guy who's dying from a disease you've never heard before, or telling you to pass on some cursed message to 10 or 20 friends if you don't want to lose your job; then this is the group to join! FYI, apparently one of those donor message was true and it saved someone's life, according to Yahoo! News. I tried to look for the link, but can't find it.

2. "I Secretly Want to Punch Slow Walking People In the Back Of the Head" Whoa! God must know what I'm feeling (duh!) when I'm walking between TransJakarta corridors. Ugh, this kind of people keeps getting in your way and they don't realize it, not even after you struggled to pass them.

3. "I Judge You When You Use Poor Grammar" This group may sound too judgmental, but really it is judgmental. In this group you can find mistakes people do when using English. Keep in mind that not only foreigners whose first tongue isn't English that make grammar mistakes, but also native users of the language.

4. "Mint Slice Addicts Anonymous" and other F&B products "appreciation" groups. Not actually wacky, but I was somewhat surprised to find people who have the same problem. Me want Mint Slice!!

5. "You Might Be in <<somewhere>> If..." or "You Might Be a Hardcore <<something>> If..." These groups are good in catching the perceived reality of what we do. Common victims include law school, med school (Ha!), and various sport players and fans. Oh yeah, you can never forget "You Might Be Indonesian If.../You Might Be Living in Indonesia Too Long If..."

6. "When I Was Your Age, ..." These ones will surely make you feel old in a few years. A quick search on Facebook yields these: Pluto was a planet, the first African American was elected president, there were only 151 Pokemon (I once memorized all of them, including their numbers. Nerd alert!), we solved Blue's Clues with Steve, not Joe, and Dumbledore was straight. When I have small kids, I'm gonna tell them that when I was their age, there was no such thing called Facebook, or internet for that matter.

7. "Keep Your Fucking Hand Down in Lecture and Shut Up. No One Cares." This is a bit bad, but acceptable in many cases. You know you want to say it when your friend starts a question with "according to my experience..."

Still interested? Go to your Facebook account -you have one, right?- and just browse around. I'm done with this post: You know you're in med school when you find it difficult to find time to blog.

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